General Information | Code of Behavior | Dress Policy | Christian Philosophy of Education | Statement of Faith
General Information

Locked Door Policy

RVCA continues to strive for safety of students and staff and place this as one of our top priorities.  Doors will be locked from 8:30 am – 2:30 pm daily with a “door bell” system set up to allow parents/visitors to enter the building.  When you arrive at the front door you will be able to alert staff of your arrival.  As we adapt to safety measures in place at area schools, we ask for your continued support and thank you for entrusting your children’s education and well-being to our care.  We wish to assure you, our families are always welcomed to visit the school anytime.

Cold Weather Recess

Students need to come to school dressed appropriately to play outside during recesses.  They should be dressed for cold weather (hats, scarves, mitts, boots, etc.).  It is advisable for students to bring extra pants and socks in order to change if they are in the habit of getting wet.

The school administration keeps a close eye on weather conditions, including wind chill.  When conditions become intolerable, students will remain inside for recesses.  We would ask that parents send their children dressed for outdoor play and trust the judgment of RVCA.  All students who come to school will be expected to be well enough to go outdoors for all recesses.  Students will not be permitted to remain indoors during recesses unless for medical reasons.

Hot Sunny Weather Recess

During hot sunny weather, students should protect themselves by wearing a hat and suitable clothing that covers their skin, putting on sunglasses (that provide UV protection) to protect their eyes and applying sunscreen before exposure to the sun.  RVCA recommends that sunscreen have a SPF of 15 or more to block UVA.

Transportation and Parking Policy

It is the responsibility of the parent to arrange transportation for their child to and from school.   Please contact the teacher by note or by phone, if there is a change in traveling arrangements that your child is unaware of. Anyone picking up students at RVCA must adhere to the parking areas, which are located on the side and front of the outside parameters of the parking lot.  Please back into your parking space to ensure visibility of children when exiting RVCA. 

Field Trips

Field trips are planned each year with a view to expanding students’ knowledge and adding understanding to their studies.  Field trips may range from a short walk within the community to a full day.  They are always carefully planned to be a valid learning experience and an integral part of the classroom program.  We normally ask parents to cover the costs of these opportunities.  No child should be excluded for a school field trip because of parent’s inability to pay.  Should there be an issue regarding this, you are asked to contact RVCA.  You will always be informed when a field trip is taking place and permission/consent forms for your child to participate will always be sought.  We will often request that parents join the class as chaperone/supervisors.  Verbal permission for a student to participate in a field trip is discouraged.  While on outings away from the school, students represent RVCA.  As such, the school’s Code of Behavior remains in effect and students are expected to demonstrate responsible behavior.  As well, ongoing behavioral concerns during the school year may result in the withdrawing of school-organized trips.


A student who is not in the classroom by 8:30 am is considered tardy.  Three (3) tardy days equals one (1) day absent for attendance records.  Continued tardiness may result in a conference with parents. 

Homework Policy

At RVCA we believe that homework is an essential part of your child’s education.  Homework provides students with opportunities to review concepts and strengthen skills.  In addition, homework encourages responsibility, self-discipline and the development of effective time management strategies that will be of benefit for the future.  Help your child develop the “homework habit” early.  Schedule a homework time each night and at some point over the weekend.  Provide a quiet location where your child will be free of interruptions.

Homework should be an extension of what your child is doing in school.  Any unfinished work should be completed at home on the day it is assigned.  Where, in the older grades, a long-term assignment is given, help your child to manage his/her time appropriately.  Work with your child to determine what needs to be done, how much time will be needed for each component of the long term assignment, and how s/he should best chunk the time to ensure cramming at the last minute will be unnecessary.  Homework that is incomplete, upon discretion of the teacher, may require a “Homework Incomplete Detention Slip”.  After four detentions within four weeks the following will result:  1,  A letter sent home to inform the parents that if a detention is issued up to two more times within the next 2 week period, an in-school suspension will occur.  2.  After next two detentions have been issued, in-school suspension will go into effect.

Homework enhances the partnership that parents have with the school in educating children.  Parents are encouraged to become involved in their child’s reading or “tell” you about a book, discussing a television program you watch with your child, talking to your child about your work or even cooking together are not thought of as traditional homework activities.  Yet these simple activities build bridges of understanding between parent and child and incidentally reinforce what children have learned at school.

Kindergarten students 5-10 minutes to practice phonics and numbers.

Grades 1 & 2 students – 20 – 30 minutes per day

  • Nightly shared reading with a parent
  • Word, spelling or math games
  • Completion of class work as required
  • Sharing or reading class work with a parent

Grades 3 & 4 students – 30 – 45 minutes per day

  • A minimum of 15 minutes reading daily
  • Completing word study activities
  • Completion of class work as required
  • Practicing math concepts or facts
  • Independent study with emphasis on research skills

Grades 5 & 6 students – 45 – 60 minutes per day

  • A minimum 20 minutes reading daily
  • Completion of class work as required
  • Short, daily review of assignments
  • Regular review in preparation for tests
  • Organizing notes and notebooks
  • Research and preparation for long-term assignments and presentations

Grades 7 & 8 students – 75 – 90 minutes per day

  • A minimum 30 minutes reading daily
  • Completion of class work as required
  • Regular assignments to extend or reinforce material covered in class
  • Research and preparation for long-term assignments and presentations
  • Regular review in preparation for tests
  • Maintaining organized notes and notebooks

Completion of homework will be part of the school’s evaluation process and will be reflected in the student’s report card each term. It is our belief the amount of homework given will vary from one student to another just as the rate of learning varies.  The time allotted for homework nightly is also dependent on the learning style of the individual child.  The format of the homework assigned will depend upon your child’s grade level.

Lunch Expectations

Students eat in classrooms from 11:50 – 12:05.  Supervision is provided.   Parents are encouraged to send a nutritious lunch.  Microwaves are available in each classroom for students to use to heat up lunches.  Students are dismissed to the playground and remain outside until 12:30 pm.  Teachers and staff supervise students during this time.  All lunches must be prepared at home.  No Easy Mac, Mr. Noodles, Cup-A-Soup, microwave dinners, etc. that needs preparation at school.

Parental Engagement

At RVCA, parents are our most important partners in educating children.  In keeping with this philosophy, there are many ways for parents to become involved in RVCA and their child’s education.

We encourage parents to discuss their children’s day at school on a regular ongoing basis.  We also recommend that every parent read their child’s agenda each evening so as to know what homework has been assigned, when assignments are due and if the teacher has requested anything from either you or your child.

We are always looking for volunteers at RVCA.  If you are interested in helping out at the school inform your child’s teacher or feel free to call the office.  We are delighted to receive help from our parents.  RVCA has implemented that all volunteers working with children have the required Policy 701 training.

Physical Education

All students are required to participate in the Health and Physical Education program unless they have a medical note.  At the beginning of each year the PE teacher will inform students of the required attire.  Sneakers are necessary for fall and spring PE classes. During the winter months, programs involving winter sports such as skating, sliding etcetera plus indoor sports such as bowling.  Parents may be asked to help transport students to these activities.  Students will be required to attend all winter activities unless excused by a doctor due to a physical condition.  Winter Physical Education marks on report cards will evaluate students’ sportsmanship, attitude and skill.

Playground Supervision

Students are instructed to remain within the school’s boundaries where the staff is supervising.  The parking lot is always out of bounds to students.

Students Leaving School

If a student needs to leave the school prior to regular dismissal time, s/he must have a note or verbal notification by the parent/guardian with teacher /office.  No student will be permitted to leave without permission of the parent/guardian.

Text Books

Textbooks and library resources are provided to students on a loan basis.  It is the responsibility of the student, in conjunction with parents, to ensure these are returned in the same condition in which they were issued.  Where loss or damage occurs, the student will be required to provide replacement costs.

General Information:

Pets on School Property
Some of our parents and small children are not as comfortable around pets as others might be.  Larger animals sometimes intimidate smaller children.  Being aware of those around us will prevent anyone from being unnecessarily frightened.  Just a reminder that all dogs must be on a leash, be kept outside the school, and that consideration should be given to leaving your pets at home.

Telephone Use
Student use may be restricted to emergencies only.  Classes should not be disrupted and parents are asked not to phone students during class time unless it is absolutely necessary.

Before withdrawal for any vacation not on the school calendar, check with your child’s teacher to find out what effect a prolonged vacation may have on your child’s progress.  Teachers cannot be expected to prepare special work in advance for individual students.  You may ask the homeroom teacher to suggest educational activities.  Children may be responsible for completing modified assignments upon their return to school.  A prolonged absence of more than one week will require written or verbal notification to the principal.

Head Lice
Head lice or pediculosis are common in school-aged children and are not a communicable disease.  All families must take responsibility for regular head checks and treating their children if head lice are found.    Checking for lice takes patience, diligence and plenty of time.  Always be sensitive to the child’s feelings.  Head lice can infest anyone regardless of social class or level of personal cleanliness.  When lice are identified at school, parents are contacted so treatment can commence.  Children are allowed to re-enter the class only when all the nits have been removed from the hair. .

It is the responsibility of the parent of a child to administer medication.  Treatment regimes should be adjusted to avoid administration of medication during school hours.  When this is not possible, parents may request the assistance of school personnel.  If your child requires medication during school hours, please leave it in the school office labeled with your child’s name and the correct dosage.  Parents must inform the school if their child is bringing medication to school (asthma puffer, Epi pen, Tylenol, etc.)  Students are not permitted to carry medication with them unless the office is made aware of an ongoing emergency medical condition.

Middle School Students Information Technology Acceptable Use Agreement
Information technology is an integral part of our literacy priority.  It is a shared and valuable instructional resource and is made available in our schools for educational purposes.  The agreement is designed to ensure a safe and supportive school environment and network integrity.  All students and their parents are required to acknowledge in writing that they have read, understand and will support the requirements/conditions/rules concerning the use of school/Board technology.

Students are accountable for:

  • Respecting others’ privacy and personal information when using school/Board technology;
  • Keeping personal information private (e.g. not publishing photos, names, addresses, or phone numbers) on the Internet;
  • Responsibly using computer resources, Internet, and electronic communication tools for specific projects, research methods, or other educational purposes outlined by a supervising teacher or other designated staff member;
  • Treating school board technology with respect;
  • Reporting known technical, safety, or security problems to a supervising staff member; and
  • Respecting information obtained on the Internet by incorporating all references in a bibliography, footnote, or other form of citation.

The term “school/Board technology” as used in this section refers to, but is not limited to, computer networks, computers/laptops, peripheral devices, digital media, and storage devices (flash drives, CD’s, and mass storage devices).

Staff may access student work and communications for assessment purposes, to maintain system integrity, and to ensure that students are using the system responsibly and safely.  As a result, students should not expect that stored files or messages are private.

Students and parents must be aware of requirements for the safe and wise use of the information technology resources in our schools.  Actions that are not in accordance with the Board’s Safe Schools Policy and the school’s Code of Conduct may range from withdrawal of privileges to suspension from school.


Code of Behavior

The basis for good behavior at RVCA is found in the ten character attributes as outlined in this agenda planner.  The two key attributes are respect and responsibility.  Students at RVCA show respect and responsibility in many different ways.

In the school yard they:

  • Play fair with others
  • Ask for assistance from teachers and school assistants when they need it
  • Do not tease, use put downs or bully other students
  • Line up promptly and appropriately when entering the school
  • Do not have physical contact or play fight with others

In the school they:

  • Arrive on time
  • Dress according to the appropriate dress policy
  • Walk safely through the school in a courteous manner
  • Listen attentively to announcements
  • Leave electronic equipment and communication devices as well as other valuables at home

In the classroom:

  • Arrive on time
  • Are prepared for all classes
  • Respect the right of others to learn by remaining on task
  • Respect all adults in the classroom and follow their directions
  • Meet classroom expectations
Respect for Learning

Students are expected to:

  • Respect the rights of other students to learn
  • Be polite and cooperative with all school staff and students
  • Complete all assignments and homework
  • Be on time for school/class
  • Ask for assistance as needed

Parents are expected to:

  • Assist children to follow the school Code of Behavior
  • Ensure that children arrive on time for school and are prepared to learn
  • Provide clothing that adheres to the Appropriate Dress Policy
  • Communicate with the school in a business like, respectful and collaborative manner
Respect for Safety

Students are expected to:

  • Treat others with dignity and respect
  • Behave in a thoughtful, responsible manner in all areas of the school and yard
  • Refrain from participating in incidents of bullying, teasing, put-downs, swearing and sexist or racial slurs
  •  Demonstrate respect for property and the environment
  • Respect and appreciate each other’s similarities and differences
  • Be responsible for their words and actions
  • Play safely
  • Follow all school rules
  • Use appropriate language
  • Demonstrate a positive learning attitude and give their best effort
  • Resolve conflicts without the use of hurtful words or actions

Parents are expected to:

  • Treat others with dignity and respect
  • Assist children to take responsibility for their own actions
  • Assist children to respect personal and public property
  • Encourage their children to achieve realistic goals
  • Be a positive role model
  • Be informed about school policies and procedures
  • Reinforce the importance of safe play
  • Teach their children to respect and to value themselves and others
  • Teach their children to take responsibility for their own actions and to realize that consequences follow inappropriate behavior
  • Work in a cooperative, supportive partnership with the teachers/staff of RVCA

School Staff is expected to:

  • Treat others with dignity and respect
  • Provide a safe and secure learning environment
  • Maintain positive classroom management in a consistent, fair manner
  • Encourage students to resolve conflicts appropriately
  • Assist students in setting realistic goals
  • Communicate and work effectively with students and their parents to achieve personal goals
  • Be positive role models
  • Support school wide efforts to implement the Code of Behavior
Dress Policy

River Valley Christian Academy does not have a specific dress code at this time.  This may be reviewed at a later date.  The following dress practices we do request.

Girls Dress:  Their clothing is to have no ungodly logos represented.  If there are any questions concerning “ungodly” please feel free to contact the education board or principal.  Skirts if worn, are to be mid knee or below.  No tight fitting blouses, skirts, sweaters are to be worn. Shorts if worn, must reach finger tip length when arms are fully extended at the side.  Tank tops and low-neck sweaters are not permitted.  We ask that restraint and discretion be exercised in wearing of make-up and jewelry, if worn at all.  God’s word teaches both directly and by inference that Christian ladies should dress modestly.  1Timothy 2:9-10; 1Peter 3:3; Matthew 5:27-28.

Boys Dress:  Their clothing is to have no ungodly logos represented.  If there are any questions concerning “ungodly” please feel free to contact the education board or principal.  Their clothing is expected to be clean, in good repair, and modest.  Shorts if worn, must reach fingertip length when arms are fully extended at the side. Sloppy clothing is not appropriate.  Boy’s hair must be neatly trimmed.

Prohibited Practices:  No body piercing with the exclusion of modest ear piercing.  No extreme hairstyles. No tattoos.

Prohibited Items:  The following items are prohibited at school:  knives, matches, guns (toy or real), unnecessary money, Pokémon cards/paraphernalia, radio, electronic recording devices, skateboards.   Students are asked NOT to bring expensive toys or jewelry to school.  They will not be allowed to sell, trade, borrow, or buy things from one another.  Students are asked NOT to bring hand-held electronic devices to school as we will not take responsibility for lost or stolen items.  If they are brought hand held electronic devices MUST be kept in a bookbag during school hours some examples of handheld devices are IPods, game boys, Nintendo DS.  If seen or heard, the item will be taken away by staff.

Cell phones are NOT permitted in the classroom and must be left in a designated area assigned by the teacher or at the office during school hours.  If you have any questions please speak with the principal.  If seen or heard, the item will be taken away by staff

Christian Philosophy of Education

The educational philosophy of the River Valley Christian Academy is based on a God-centered view that all truth is God’s truth, and that the Bible is the inspired and the only infallible authoritative Word of God, which contains this truth.    God created all things in six, literal 24-hour days and sustains all things.  Therefore, the universe and man are dynamically related to God and have the purpose of glorifying Him.  Because man is a sinner by nature and choice, he cannot, however, glorify or know God.  He can do this only choosing God’s free gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, thereby committing his life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

The Academy will provide the student as well as the parent the necessary awareness of God and responses to His Word, so that when the Holy Spirit brings conviction of sin, he will readily and with understanding accept Christ as His Savior.  Christian education can then carry out its purpose.

This philosophy also channels our energies to promote high academic standards while helping the students to achieve skills in creative and critical thinking using the best-integrated curriculum available.  The objective of our instructional program is to enable the student to pursue the post-secondary education of his choosing, whether in college, university or in vocational training areas.

Our aim socially is to provide a Christian perspective on the total worldview from which will come a balanced personality and a proper understanding and acceptance of a person’s role in life at home, at work, at play and at worship - all grounded in the Christian concept of love.

The Academy permits the parents to carry out their responsibility to God for the education of their children.  This is the prerogative, not of the province, but of the parents.  Therefore, River Valley Christian Academy assists the family in this responsibility and requires the support from the home.

Our responsibility for the student encompasses the spiritual, mental, intellectual, physical, social, and emotional areas.  These are inseparable and through them run the insistent thread of the spiritual.  Therefore, it must be our aim to shun the tendency to teach the Bible compartmentally or on the intellectual level alone - scarlet thread must be woven throughout the total curriculum.

It is apparent; then, that the types of activities we employ or permit in the classroom or school program will facilitate our basic philosophy.  The spiritual must permeate all areas - else we become textbook oriented rather that student oriented.  Carried out, this philosophy dictates that we cooperate closely with parents in every phase of the students’ development, always offering assistance in understanding the purposes of RVCA.  This cooperation enables us to better accomplish our goals for our students.  It is our philosophy that also makes us uniquely different and preserves our Christian distinctiveness.

Statement of Faith and Core Family Values

All members of the board, administration and staff of River Valley Christian Academy believe that the Bible is the written Word of God and without error in all its teachings.  Because of our understanding of the Old and New Testaments our school implements this Statement of Faith & Core Family Values and Christian Philosophy.  Hopefully, it is also the Statement of Faith & Core Family Values and Christian Philosophy of your family’s basic Christian conviction.  Your signature on the application openly grants the school permission to teach your child these biblical principles as truth.

  • We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God.
  • We believe there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the deity of Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His physical ascension to the right hand of the Father, His personal return in power and glory.
  • We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; and that men are justified on the single ground of faith in the shed blood of Christ and that only by God’s grace and through faith alone are we saved.
  • We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
  • We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that it is unacceptable for Christians to teach hatred against any group or individual.

A complete statement of faith is available from the school office upon request or registration.





© 2010 River Valley Christian Academy
Website design by Porterview Designs